"Bling Ring" Bridal Shower Game (Set of 10)

ID: 3266
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If bling is your thing, or you are doing a Breakfast At Tiffany Bridal Shower theme, or Chanel theme, this game will be a favorite for your guests.

A crystal "diamond" in a simple silver metal setting, is bling that will make any woman happy.

The "diamond" is very sparkly.

How to Play:
Each guest will receive their "bling ring" necklace upon entering the bridal shower. Anyone catching someone saying "wedding" gets to take the necklace from that person. The one with the most necklaces at the end of the party wins a prize. (See our fabulous bridal shower favors to use for prizes). Of course, don't forget, once the winner is chosen, to make sure every guest gets a ring to take home (we think your guests will make sure you don't forget).

Set of 10.

Simple assembly required.
Price $9.95
Set of 10 (as low as $1.00 each)