Carved Sandalwood Fan

ID: 4403
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Treasured for thousands of years, sandalwood is a uniquely fragrant wood known for its distinct color and ability to support intricate carvings.

Enchant your guests with a magnificent foldable fan made from natural sandalwood.

The fan is beautifully carved with intricate patterns on the panels and has a delicate white tassel attached to the handle.

These fans make ideal favors for summer occasions, outdoor weddings and elegant garden tea parties.

Fan size is 8" x 14" Sandalwood carved fan Made from natural sandalwood Intricate carved design on the panels White tassel attached to the handle

Bulk packed 10 fans to a sealed poly bag A high-class, exclusive favor for summer occasions, outdoor weddings and elegant garden tea parties

Price $1.25
Must order a miminum of 24